Manufacturer, Exporter, Wholesaler and Supplier of Automation and Instrumentation Products such as Polarographic Electrode and our setup is situated in Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Polargraphic Dissolved Oxygen Electrode
SENTEK manufacturers a polargraphic dissolved oxygen electrode, designed for laboratory measurements and has a standard 12mm body diameter.
In air-saturated water (20.9% Oxygen), the probe has an output of 600nA.
The residual output in zero oxygen solution is less than 1% of the output in saturated water.
One or two ATC sensors (Thermistor or PT100/1000) may be fitted to customers specific requirements. Replacing the Teflon membrane is quick and easy. Simply unscrew the old assembly, load the new one with fill solution and screw on to the electrode.
The electrode is supplied complete with 2 membrane assemblies and a 50ml bottle of filling solution.
A 50ml bottle of Zero Oxygen solution is available for calibration purposes.
When ordering replacement electrodes, please specify make and type of instrument for which the electrode is required.
When ordering please specify the following: