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Manufacturer, Exporter, Wholesaler and Supplier of Automation and Instrumentation Products such as CPCB / MPCD APPROVED ONLINE EFFLUENT MONITORING SYSTEMS and our setup is situated in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

MSset UV254 ONLINE - M series

MSset UV254 Online analyzers offer an affordable and accurate solution for real-time UV254 or UVT monitoring. Benefiting from Split-Sense Pro and patented Ortho-Beam technology, the need for calibration is limited lowering maintenance requirements. Several path length options provide solutions for wastewater to high purity applications.




• Source water monitoring/protection
• Coagulation optimization
• TOC removal efficiency (Activated carbon)
• Reverse osmosis (RO) removal efficiency
• UV Disinfection performance
• DBP formation potential
• Distribution system contamination event detection
• Smart Water Networks



Features and Benefits

• Real-time UV254 and UVT organics analysis
• Accurate and reliable data
• Simple to install and easy to operate
• Innovative Custom Calibration feature
• Low maintenance, bypass style design
• 4 line x 20 character backlit LCD display
• Optional automatic chemical cleaning

Dual Feed System

Monitoring two streams is simple and affordable with the dual feed system. The wall mounted cabinet is easy to install with any analyzer, alternating between two streams on timed intervals. The system is invaluable for monitoring organics removal pre and post

coagulation as well as pre and post granular activated carbon (GAC) for efficiency measures and optimization.
MSset Clean System

The optional Real Clean systems are the ideal choice to keep maintenance to a minimum and performance at its best. The systems can be programmed to meet the cleaning demands of each site, with the option to recycle 90% of the chemical cleaning fluid - further reducing maintenance. Systems can also be equipped with a pumping component for non-pressurized installations.

Custom Calibration

MSset innovative custom calibration feature allows the online analyzers to be calibrated without DI water or taking the unit offline. A sample is taken from the drain line of the analyzer and tested with a P200 meter or equivalent for UVT. The UVT value is then entered under the Custom Calibration tab in the menu system and the calibration is automatically updated. No further
calibration is required.
Models and Measurement Range
Model Path Length UVA (abs/cm) UVT (%)
M2010 1 mm 0-13 0-10
M2020 2 mm 0-6.5 0-15
M2040 4 mm 0-3.25 0-45
M2100 10 mm 0-1.3 5-100
M3000 10 mm x 20 mm 0-1 15-100
M3500 50 mm 0-0.26 55-100
M4000 250 mm 0-0.05 89-100
Technical Specifications
Characteristic Technical Data
Units Abs or %
Accuracy +- 0.5 % FS
Resolution 0.001 UVA or 0.1% UVT*
Sampling Time 10 seconds
Calibration In-situ zeroing to DI water or custom calibration to known UVT sample
Cleaning In-situ chemical cleaning or optional automatic chemical cleaning
Self-Diagnostics Detection and diagnosis of internal system fault
Operator Interface Five push buttons to control a comprehensive hierarchical menu system
Display 4 line x 20 character backlit LCD with LED alarm indicator
Alarms Dry contact terminals allow for operator configurable alarms for: high and low UVT/UVA set points, low lamp output, leak detected, system fault, etc.
Humidity Control Humidity sensor with large plug-in regenerating desiccant system
Outputs Self-powered 4-20 mA, RS232 serial for PC
Wavelength 253.7 nm
Light Source Low-pressure mercury UV lamp / UV LED
Lamp Life 2 years
Dimensions 17”H x 14”W x 8”D*
Enclosure 1P66, NEMA 4, wall mountable
Flow Rate 300-1000 mL/min
Pressure Rating 20 PSI*
Fluid Connections 1/4” OD tube push-in fittings
Electrical 24VDC 40W power adapter (accepts 90-250VAC 50/60Hz)
Storage Temp. -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)
Operating Temp. 0 to 45°C (32 to 113°F)
Weight 22 lbs*
Warranty 2-year limited warranty (Extended care packages available)
Technology Ortho-Beam and Split-Sense Pro
Options Dual Feed, Real Clean, Pump Clean, Seawater Upgrade, High Temperature Upgrade, etc.
* Difference in specifications for M4000 model
** Technical Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Real Tech’s UV BOD/COD sensors offer the most practical and accurate method for monitoring BOD and COD in real-time. The results are instant, meaning data can be used to make immediate adjustments and improve upstream or downstream processes. Real-time data can also be used for assurance of effluent water quality prior to discharging to the environment or municipal sewer
system. The robust sensor design and complementary optional automatic chemical cleaning system keep maintenance to a minimum while improving performance.




• Influent/Effluent monitoring for treatment process optimization
• Effluent monitoring for regulatory compliance
• Industrial effluent pollution management
• Municipal sewer control
• Water reuse quality control
and more.....



Features and Benefits

• Real-time BOD/COD measurement
• No waiting for the laboratory
• Low maintenance
• No complexity, simple to operate
• Easy to install
• Practical and affordable monitoring system
• Reagentless operation
• Various measurement ranges (mg/L)

Low maintenance. Stable output.

MSset innovative Split-Sense Pro technology uses a method of moving the sample from a test position to a reference position, allowing for continuous compensation of lamp and sensor drift. This practical method allows for long term stability in measurements,

avoiding the need for frequent calibration.
Full Control

Operation and control of the Real UV BOD/COD sensor is simple with Real Tech’s “plug and play” controllers. A single sensor or multiple sensors can be connected to one controller, bringing all data to one central location for quick and simple analysis.
Access and Support

With Real Tech’s optional remote monitoring capabilities, real-time data can be accessed anywhere, anytime allowing our clients to take control immediately. Additionally, this feature allows Real Tech to provide remote support, giving our clients peace of mind and
confidence in their data.
Optional Automatic Pump and Clean System

The optional Pump Clean systems are the ideal choice to keep maintenance to a minimum and performance at its best. The system provides flow to the sensor for open channel applications and can be programmed to meet the cleaning demands of each site - further reducing maintenance
Simple. Accurate. Affordable.

Real Tech’s UV BOD/COD sensor uses ultraviolet (UV) and visible (VIS) absorbance technology to simply and accurately measure BOD and/or COD in real-time.
UV Absorbance Measurement Principle

Organic matter naturally absorbs UV radiation between 200-400 nm. As the BOD or COD increases, the absorbance of light in this distinct wavelength range will also increase. Common interferences with BOD and COD measurements, such as total suspended solids, are compensated for by measuring absorbance at additional reference wavelengths in the visible (VIS) spectrum.

Using UV-VIS absorbance data in combination with laboratory BOD and COD data, a relationship or ‘calibration’ can be established. This calibration is then used by the sensor to report accurate and precise realtime measurements.
Models and Measurement Range
Model Path Length BOD (mg/L) COD (mg/L)
PL2020.BOD/COD with Dilution System 2 mm 0-120,000 0-240,000
PL2010.BOD/COD 1 mm 0-1,275 0-2,400
PL2020.BOD/COD 2 mm 0-640 0-1200
PL2040.BOD/COD 4 mm 0-320 0-600
PL2080.BOD/COD 8 mm 0-160 0-300
PL3500.BOD/COD 50 mm 0-25 0-50
Technical Specifications
Characteristic Technical Data
Units mg/L
Sampling Time 1 minute
Calibration In-situ zeroing to DI water
Cleaning In-situ chemical cleaning or optional automatic chemical cleaning
Self-Diagnostics Detection and diagnosis of internal system fault
Alarms Dry contact terminals allow for operator configurable alarms for: high and low set points, low
lamp output, leak detected, system fault, etc.
Humidity Control Humidity sensor with large plug-in regenerating desiccant system
Wavelengths Full scanning between 190-750 nm
Light Source Deuterium and Tungsten Lamp
Lamp Life 4000 hrs. each
Dimensions 16”H x 20”W x 8”D
Enclosure 1P66, NEMA 4, wall mountable
Flow Rate 300-1000 mL/min
Pressure Rating 20 PSI
Fluid Connections 1/4” OD tube push-in fittings
Storage Temp. -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F)
Operating Temp. 0 to 45°C (32 to 113°F)
Weight 44 lbs
Warranty 2-year limited warranty (Extended care packages available)
Technology Split-Sense Pro
Options Dilution System, Dual Feed, Real Clean, Pump Clean, High Temperature Upgrade, etc.
*Additional models and spec options available, contact Real Tech for more information.
pH Sensors   I   PH Electrode   I   Industrial Dip   I   Industrial pH Sensors   I   Sterilizable pH Sensors   I   Online PH Indicators / Controllers / Transmitters   I   pH Meters   I   
PH Bench Meter With 0.001 Resolution and Stability Indicator   I   Slim pH Meters   I   
Conductivity Sensor   
I   Conductivity Sensors   I   Conductivity Sensor - Industrial Pipeline   I   Conductivity Sensor - Industrial Dip   I   Sanitary Conductivity Sensor   I   Conductivity Indicating Controller Cum Transmitter   I   Conductivity Meter   I   Multi-ranging Conductivity, TDS, NaCl, Temperature Meter   I   Multi - Ranging Conductivity Meter   I   Dissolved Oxygen Sensors   IGalvanic-Maintenance Free DO2 Electrode  I   Polarographic DO2 Electrode   I   MSSet DO Sensor   I   DO ( Dissolved Oxygen ) Meter   I   Dissolved Oxygen Meters   I   Table Top Dissolved Oxygen Meters   I   Portable Dissolved Oxygen Meters   I   Ultrasonic Level Transmitters   I   Electromagnetic Flow Meters   I   pH Transmitters   I   On-line Panel Mounted PH Indicator cum Transmitter   I   Online pH Transmitters   I   Oxidation Reduction Potential   I   Oxidation Reduction Potential Sensor (I) – ( ORP Sensors )   I   Oxidation Reduction Potential Sensor – ( ORP Sensors )   I   Online Oxidation Reduction Potential Indicator, Controller and Transmitter   I  Oxidation Reduction Potential Transmitters - ( ORP Transmitters )   I   Ozone Amperometric Sensors   I   Dissolved Chlorine Sensors   I  TDS Indicating Controller   I   Magnetic Flowmeter   I   Dissolved Chlorine Dioxide Sensors   I   Dissolved Oxygen Transmitter - ( DO Transmitter )   I   Conductivity Transmitters MS-CT-211T  II  Temperature And Air Velociy Transmitters DUW 221  II   Clamp On Ultrasonic Flow Meters  II   Process Conductivity / TDS Controllers & Transmitter  II   MS Controller Bsed Conductivity Indicators / Controller  II   Electromagnetic Flow Meters MS FL 0117  II   High Precision Air / Gas Velocity Transmitter  II   Magnetic Float Operaded, Guided Level Switch  II   MS Controller Based Conductivity / TDS  II   MS controller Based PH Indicator / Controller  II   MS Controller Based ORP Indicatorsc / Controller  II   Digital pH Indicator CUM Transmitter  II   MS Controller Based pH Meters MS pH 644  II   Digital Bench Top pH Meters  II   Digital Bench Top TDS / Conductivity Meter  II   MS Controller Based TDS Indicators / Contorller  II   UPVc Electromagnetic Flow Meters MS FL 0117  I   Home   I   About Us   I   Contact Us   I
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